
User Guide for Control Your Crowd (CYC)

1. Introduction

Welcome to the User Guide of Control Your Crowd!

Our application, Control Your Crowd (CYC), will allow you to manage your crowds in real-time. It allows efficient tracking and accessing of visitors’ profiles. You can also easily check-in and check out a visitor, get the current crowd level, limit the venue capacity, save the visitor log for future references, and much more! CYC is an all-in-one application to help event management team, event organizers for events such as Ultra Music Festival manage crowd level with ease. It also works very well for small enterprises and mall management team that needs to monitor influx of visitors.

The application uses a Command Line Interface (CLI); this means that you operate the application by typing commands into a command window. With simple and easy-to-use commands, CYC provides you with efficient crowd management which is faster than traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications can offer. GUI applications allow the user to interact with the application through graphical icons such as buttons and clickable.

Jump to Quick Start to learn how to manage your crowd efficiently with CYC.

2. Quick Start


  1. Download the latest version of CYC.jar from here.
  2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CYC.
  3. Open up a command window to the location where your CYC.jar is located.
  4. Run the command java -jar CYC.jar [VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY]. For example, java -jar CYC.jar 500.
    • Ensure that the VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY entered is a positive integer that does not exceed 6 digits.
      • You can enter input the VENUE_MAXIMUM_CAPACITY with or without quotations. For example, 500 and "500" will both work.
    • When you are running the CYC.jar again, ensure that the [venue maximum capacity] is more than the current number of visitors checked in. Failure to do so will lead to negative maximum venue capacity.
  5. If the setup is correct, you should see CYC being loaded as shown below (note: your version of CYC would be the latest version).


  6. Input the command in the command window and press Enter to execute it. Refer to Features for details of each command.

Tips and Additional Notes:

3. Features

Notes about the command format:

3.1 Viewing help: help

This command will provide you a summary of the all the commands with its corresponding format. This command will help you in situations when you forget the available commands, or their format while on duty.

Format: help

Example Input: help

Example Output:


3.2 Check-in a person: checkin

Supposed there is a visitor, you can check in a person to CYC via checkin command. After a successful check-in, CYC will also notify you on the current venue capacity.



Supposedly John is a new visitor and he wants to check in. Since it is his first time visiting, you should check in John using his i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID, n/NAME and [p/PHONE_NUMBER] as shown below.

Example Input:

checkin i/123A n/John p/91231112

When John visits again in the future, you would only need to check in using his i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID as shown below.

checkin i/123A

Example Output:

For both new visitor and returning visitor, you should observe the following output.


However, you should expect the following output when the maximum capacity is reached.


3.3 Listing all persons: listall

Supposed you want to find out all the visitors that had entered the venue, it can be done with listall. This command shows a list of all persons who have checked-in and checked out. The ID and phone numbers are also shown in case you need to contact any of these visitors. However, if the visitor’s phone number has not been registered with CYC, it will be shown as --.

Format: listall

Example Input: listall

Example Output:


3.4 Listing checked-in persons only: listcheckedin

listcheckedin command is similar to listall, the only difference is that listcheckedin only returns the list of visitors that are still in the venue or have not check out. Shows a list of all persons with their details currently checked in. It also shows the number of people remaining to reach the maximum capacity for that venue.

Format: listcheckedin

Example Input: listcheckedin

Example Output:


3.5 Finding a person by ID number: find

You can use find command if you need to check whether a particular visitor is still in the venue or check for his/her particulars. Given the person’s last 4 characters of ID, we can find the details of the person and status (Checked in, or checked out)

Format: find i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID

Example input: find i/123A

Example Output:


3.6 Check out a person: checkout

You can check out a visitor from CYC, when he/she is leaving from the venue via checkout command. By doing so, you will be removing the visitor from checked in list in CYC. However, person’s particulars will be retained for a faster check in the following visit.

Format: checkout i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID

Example input: checkout i/123A

Example output:


3.7 Clearing all entries: clear

clear command clears all entries stored by the program. It could be useful to clear CYC data at the end of the day, or when required. However, this is not recommended as you will lose track of the visitors who have not check out. Therefore, use clear command with caution.

Format: clear

Example Input: clear

Example Output:


3.8 Edit venue capacity: editmax

In the event that requires the venue capacity to change, you can update the new venue capacity in CYC using editmax command. Edits the max capacity of the venue.

Format: editmax NEW_CAPACITY

Example Input: editmax 150

Example Output:


3.9 Change storage location: movestorage

This command allows you to move the location of the saved file, if you desire a different location from the default setting. A suggested use would be to use it to backup files.

Additional Notes:

Format: movestorage NEW_DESTINATION

Example Input: movestorage /new/test

Example Output:


3.10 Exiting CYC: exit

exit command will save the current state of CYC before exiting the programme.

Format: exit

Example Input: exit

Example Output:


3.11 Visitor Log

CYC automatically saves the details of previous persons therefore providing the users with a convenient location to retrieve all particulars and details of visitors.

With Visitor log, a person who have checked in before, does not have to input all his details again when using the checkin command.

The person details are stored in /LogFile.txt in the same folder as the program. You can reset Visitor Log by exiting CYC and deleting it before reboot.

3.12 Auto Save

The program automatically saves data to a .txt file after each command you input. The program defaults to saving to /TrackingList.txt in the same folder as the program. As such, you do not have to worry about saving the data or memory loss in case of programme crash.

3.13 Changing save location

To change the save location, you can use the command movestorage. The command format for move storage is stated above.

If the user deletes the folder of the new path, the program may run into write errors. To resolve the issue, should be deleted to reset the program state.

3.14 History

CYC automatically keeps a back up of the checkin and checkout history in history.txt file after each check in and check out operation.

Users, such as event organiser or mall owners, could therefore study these data for future planning and necessary upgrade of facilities. History data is also stored in CSV format, comma separated values such that it can be extracted and cleaned to use for automatic data analytics.

Saving history

The program automatically saves the history to ‘history.txt’ file after each checkin and checkout operation.

Clearing history

In the unlikely event that, your machine runs out of storage space or you want to reset the history. You can follow these steps, to clear history.

To clear history, please follow the following steps:

  1. Exit CYC.
  2. Locate the directory of CYC on the computer.
  3. Locate /History.txt and delete the file directly. (CYC will create a new History file upon a restart.)

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Please follow these steps:

  1. Follow the Quick Start guide and install CYC on the computer
  2. Transfer the /History.txt,/LogFile.txt and /TrackingList.txt to the target computer’s main CYC folder.
  3. Start CYC and it will automatically load the data.

Q: What does Clear command clears exactly?

A: Clear command only clears the visitors that are checked in. However, it does not clear the person log. Which means if you had checked in a person with name: John, Id: 123A. After executing clear command, CYC will not allow you to check in another person with name: James, Id: 123A as CYC will detect that the Id is a duplicate despite its two different people.

5. Command Summary

Action Format Examples
Help help help
Check-in a person checkin i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID n/NAME [p/PHONE_NUMBER] checkin i/123A n/John p/91231112
List all person listall listall
List checked-in persons only listcheckedin listcheckedin
Find person by ID find i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID find i/123A
Checkout a person checkout i/LAST_4_CHARS_OF_ID checkout i/123A
Clear all entries clear clear
Edit venue capacity editmax NEW_CAPACITY editmax 100
Move storage movestorage PATH movestorage data/storage
Exit exit exit